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Women's Wellness CBD Tea party Experience

Our Women’s Wellness CBD Tea Party is one of The Felicity Project’s signature events. Our tea parties are a memorable and instagram worthy experience!

We curate a unique, relaxed environment set in nature.  Attendees start their experience by choosing a seat at our colorful tea table of lush pillows and bohemian inspired fabrics. 

An education on CBD tea and its benefits will be given to support the choice in selecting which tea blend is best for each guest based on desired experience, taste pallet, and scent. While tea is being prepared, attendees will join the sound guides into the main canvas teepee for the sound bath meditation.  

Our sound guide will provide an overview of what sound healing is and what to expect during the session experience. Through the skillful use of various instruments like crystal singing bowls, gongs, and chimes create a symphony of healing vibrations that envelop and resonate within your being while combining the beauty of connection to one’s self. These powerful sounds guide you into deep relaxation, allowing a release of stress and tension and deeper connect into your body and mind.

Following the sound bath session attendees will return to their seats and tea is served along with savory light bites and desserts. Attendees will have the opportunity for photo ops and vendor information exchanges as the event ends.